Errors Reference

Error Handling Guide

Use this section to debug errors encountered when using Ragie. If you need more help, please reach out to us at

Ragie's error response format follows RFC7807. Each error response includes:

  • status_code: Same as the HTTP status code
  • title: Brief description of the error message
  • type: URI that links to this document for further reference
  • detail: Human-readable description providing more insight into the error

Note that error responses may include other keys specific to the error.

Example Error Response

  "detail": "Could not find resource for tenant",  
  "status_code": 404,  
  "title": "The specified resource was not found.",  
  "type": ""  

Error Codes and Resolutions

400Bad requestThe request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served.
401Authentication failureYour request did not provide a valid or well-formatted API key.
402Pages processed exceededExceeded page processing limit.
402Retrievals exceededExceeded retrieval limit.
403Document count limit exceededThe document limit for your current plan has been exceeded.
403Ragie Connect not enabledYou do not have the connector enabled. It can be enabled in the Ragie application.
403Feature flag disabledThe feature flag has not been enabled for the user
404Resource not foundThe specified resource was not found.
429Rate limit exceededThe rate limit for your current plan has been exceeded.
500Internal server errorAn unexpected error occurred on the server.

400 - Bad Request

The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. Ensure that your request is formatted correctly. Find our API reference with examples at

401 - Authentication Failure

Your request did not provide a valid or well-formatted API key.


  • Check the provided API key to make sure it is correct and valid. Look for typos and ensure it hasn't expired.
  • Reach out to us at

402 Pages Processed Exceeded

You've exceeded the page processing limit of your current plan. Paid plans do not enforce a limit.


403 Pages Retrievals Exceeded

You've exceeded the retrieval limit of your current plan. Paid plans do not enforce a limit.


403 - Documents Limit Exceeded

You've exceeded the document limits for your current plan.


403 - Feature Flag Disabled

The specified feature flag has not been enabled for the user. Please reach out to Ragie support and tell us what feature you would like us to enable for you.


  • Reach out to us at with details on the feature you would like enabled.

404 - Resource Not Found

The specified resource was not found. This usually occurs when sending a request to an endpoint that doesn't exist. Make sure the endpoint exists in our API docs:, and your request is formatted correctly.

429 - Rate Limit Exceeded

You've exceeded the rate limits for your current plan. We calculate rate limits as requests per minute (e.g. 100 requests/minute). See the rate limits for your tier on the Rate Limits page.


500 - Internal Server Error

It's probably our fault. Please reach out to us at and tell us what's happening. We'll fix it as soon as possible.