Rate Limits

Rate limits for each endpoint are given in requests per minute. Custom rate limits are available are available on the Enterprise plan. Please reach out to [email protected] for more details.

/documentsPOST30 / m50 / m100 / mcustom
/documents/rawPOST30 / m50 / m100 / mcustom
/documentsGET1000 / m2000 / m4000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}GET1000 / m2000 / m4000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}DELETE100 / m200 / m400 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/filePUT30 / m50 / m100 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/rawPUT30 / m50 / m100 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/urlPUT30 / m50 / m100 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/metadataPATCH100 / m200 / m400 / mcustom
/retrievalsPOST10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/entitiesGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/summaryGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/chunksGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/chunks/{chunk_id}GET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/contentGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/documents/{document_id}/sourceGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom
/instructionsPOST100 / m200 / m400 / mcustom
/instructions/{instruction_id}PUT100 / m200 / m400 / mcustom
/instructions/{instruction_id}/entitiesGET10 / m500 / m1000 / mcustom